Sunday, November 1, 2009

The one where paradise is extended

The Lonely Planet says most tourists who come to Jeri stay longer than planned. Ive extended my stay to 8 nights. Its so remote I may never come back, so whats the point in rushing away?
The lovely pousada I was staying in the first 3 nights was booked out over the weekend. I think its a long weekend in Brazil. I spent a good hour wandering into every pousada asking in bad Portugese if they had a room for the weekend. I found another not-as-nice-but-still-ok place for 2 nights, then Im back to my favourite pousada on Monday.
Just to keep my dream like life in perspective, its not alllllll perfection here in Jeri.
For instance, switching hotels yesterday was a nightmare! There are no taxis in Jeri, its all soft sand. I thought I knew where my new pousada was, but got totally disoriented. In 36 degree heat, in soft sand, carrying 20kgs of luggage around, for half an hour. God I sweated up a storm...
And Jeri is so special, you want to share it with your friends, or a boyfriend. There arent many solo travellers here. Lots of couples, lots of groups of friends. I was getting a bit lonely. I wanted to go on a dune buggy or quad bike to see the surrounding dunes and lagoons, but it was going to cost heaps to hire a driver on my own. But I woke up this morning and thought, bugger it, just go do it, even though it would be quite boring on my own with a driver who cant speak English.
But just as I started walking through the village, I bumped into Christina and Steve, who id met on the first day here. They asked me to join them tomorrow on a buggy excursion, and we are meeting up for dinner tonight. Yay!!!! I have friends again. I couldnt find them last night when I went out for dinner (no they werent hiding from me....)
Speaking of nightlife, Im yet to really embrace the late nights here. No one goes out for dinner till after 9, and the nightlife doesnt kick in till after midnight. So far Ive been in bed by midnight every night! There are no real bars. Jeri is sooo chilled, the party place is a series of stalls on the beach, selling drinks. So everyone just stands around them. No toilets or seats. Am I sounding really old now???????
Oh, and I finally joined the Skype revolution. Everyone travelling here is on it, and I realise why now. Its amazing. So cheap. Spoke to mum and dad for the first time in 6 weeks, for half an hour for less than a dollar! Then called Jane, but naturally she doesnt answer calls from unknown numbers, so i had to email her blackberry, tell her it was me trying to call, then called her back. The wonders of technology. To think my first trip overseas in 1991 had no email, and the phone calls involved a horrible 5 sec delay!

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