Friday, November 13, 2009

The one where Lynne returns to reality

So my two weeks in Brazilian beach paradise has ended. I ended up staying in Praia Da Pipa for 6 nights. I met some local guys and hung out with them for a couple of days.
On my final day at the beach I felt like a local .. saying hi to various people Id met over the past week. It was nice to just chill out this past fortnight in Jeri and Pipa. Go to the same places for lunch, get to see how the locals live their lives.
I met a surf instructor, Rodrigo, last Saturday in a bar. He spoke good English and we ended up hanging out with his mates. These guys live the most simple life.
They seriously live day by day. No bank accounts, no tv, no ipods, no email, phones with no credit.
I shouted them food and drinks. Yes, I know, I was sucked in by their stories of poverty. But it was also fun hanging out with them, learning a bit more Portuguese, seeing how locals live as opposed to just seeing the tourists side of Pipa.
Rodrigo took me to a lovely village to watch the sun set, and he gave me a surf lesson. I caught one wave! Just quietly he was a terrible instructor. I spent about 5 minutes on the beach learning how to surf, then he just pushed my board onto waves until I managed to stand, and eventually sort of catch a very very small wave, all the while giving me very little feedback! No wonder he isnt making any money from his job.
One night we had a pool party, sponsored of course by the Bank Of Lynne. They were nice guys, although by the end of it I was sick of reaching into my wallet.
So I decided I really needed to hit the road again. And hit it I did. 20 hours on a bus from Pipa to Salvador.....aghhhhh.
The bus was fine, and I got a lot of sleep, but after arriving in Salvador this afternoon, Im still tired.
And its weird being back in a big city. Noise, people staring at you, the need to hold onto your belongings tightly again...
Ive already got cranky with one tout who took me to a pousada, then followed me around the streets telling me his sob story about being homeless and can I buy him food and a drink. A week ago I wouldve helped him, but Ive done enough of that the past week.
Salvador seems nice enough. But a little seedy. Still its only been a couple of hours so early days.

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