Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The one where Im so relaxed I cant think of a title

So Ive been in Jeri a week now. A week doing nothing. What does nothing involve? Well a normal day would be to get up at 9am, put on my Jeri uniform of swimmers and denim cut offs, then have breakfast in the hotel. Thats fresh squeezed juice, a white bread roll, ham and cheese, coffee and cake. Brazilians love cake for breakfast.
Then Ill go for a couple of hours walk on the beach, then go back to the hotel to laze by the pool reading my book.
At about 2 Ill go to Casa Das Trufas, a nice place for lunch. That might be a hamburger, or chicken salad, or tuna sandwiche. After that its either another walk on the beach, or back to the hotel for a swim in the pool.
Then its nap time at about 4 or 5pm.
I struggle to occupy my time between about 6 and 9. No one has dinner before 9. Sometimes I use the internet, like now, other times Ill walk around the shops, or have a drink.
Steve has been kite surfing with a Kiwi guy called Vince. The other day Christina (Steves girlfriend) and I hopped on their buggy and went with them for the afternoon. The girls staying in the buggy watching the guys make their way downwind along the beach for a couple of hours.
We met up for dinner that night at a restaurant run by a South African, who wanted to stay in Jeri with his pregnant girlfriend for a few months. They found an empty shop front, and within a week had turned it into a restaurant! Imagine the bureaucracy if that happened anywhere else. They serve cheap food like chicken and potatoes and coleslaw.
Vince, his Canadian friend Mark and I then went to a bar that was having an open air party with a live band. So I stayed up past midnight for once! And I learned the wind dies down completely at night.
Sorry if this is a little less than interesting blog, but this week has been all about doing nothing! Is so good to not have to pack up that bloody backpack every couple of days, but at the same time Im also looking forward to hitting the road again and seeing what else Brazil has to offer.

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