Thursday, November 19, 2009

The one where Lynne learns Portuguese for brother

No idea how to write it, but you say ´ele es me ermowng´and that means this guy is my brother, not my husband or boyfriend. Handy when you want to avoid hotel double beds with your sibling!!!!
So yes, Im now with Marky. We met up in Rio on Monday night, he flew in from Lima, I flew in from Porto Seguro. After two days its going really well! Ask me in a couple of weeks how I feel.. ha ha. No, hes good value to travel with.
Its great having someone to talk to who knows me so well, tell them about my trip so far, have company for when funny moments arise.
We have had a great couple of days in Rio. We are staying in a very nice hotel between Copacabana and Ipanema beaches. We walked Ipanema yesterday morning, bought a couple of pairs of havianas and had a coffee.
Then we did a Favela tour in the afternoon. Very interesting. The one we went to has a population of 200,000 crammed into an area about the size of a small Canberra suburb. They are all run by drug dealers, but this one is safe to visit in a tour, because the gang that runs it refuses to sell crack cocaine, so there is no crime because of fewer addicts?!?!?! And the dealers dont want to draw attention to the favelas by having crime there, so the cops leave them alone. Except like a few weeks ago when there was a shoot out at another favela, and the dealers shot down a police helicopter ...
Theres not much running water or electricity. If you want to expand your home, you just build a cement block on top of your current place. But people like the sense of community they get from favelas. As our cute guide told us, the bloke who says hi to you in the favela is the one likely to mug you in Copacabana.
I took Mark back to my favourite churrasco restaurant in the evening, and we ate like kings.
Today we did a city tour, and guess what ... perfect blue skies!!!!! Oh my god we have some awesome photos. Went on the cable car at Sugar Loaf Mountain, went to Christ the Redeemer statue, had lunch in Santa Theresa. Great day with some of the best views youll see anywhere in the world. Rio is an amazing city, high rises and favelas squashed in amongst mountains.
We got picked up in the morning by Felipe, our guide, in his little Fiat. We then had to pick up another two people and as we were waiting outside their hotel, we were so excited about who the other 2 might be ... Mark was hoping for hot Swedish chicks, I didnt mind as long as they could fit in the little Fiat.
When they came out ... worst possible .. 2 Peruvian overweight guys who spoke little English. So we all squashed inside the car for the start of the tour. Except one of them had food poisoning .. and was breaking out into massive sweats and running to the bathroom at every opportunity...
He only made it half way through the day, before getting a cab home. Which was a blessing because then there were only 4 of us to fit in the car.
Top day, and now we are off to see a football game!!!! Its at the massive stadium where 210,000 people once crammed in to see a match. I think only about 50,000 are going tonight.

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