Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The one where we arrived in Uruguay

Buses in Brazil are great. Comfy with seats that recline a long long way back. We had a 9 hour bus trip to Sao Paulo. Its not that far, just the coast road is very windy and the bus makes sooo many stops. Even 90 minutes out of Sao Paulo, we stop for a 20 minute break. Just Get There!!! Ive lost my Ipod charger so its power is on borrowed time. Luckily Marks Ipod has some good music on it!
Thankfully I had booked a hotel online because arriving in Sao Paulo at 10.30 on a Friday night without a hotel would have been a little frightening!
The hotel seemed to be in a nightclub part of town, although that could be every street in a city the size of Sao Paulo.
We spent half a day walking around, re visiting part of the city I had been to on my Intrepid tour a month earlier. Sao Paulo is not that interesting. Its a hold onto your wallet the whole time kind of place, and can get really crowded in the black market area where we walked.
We didnt do much in the afternoon, just stayed around the hotel and ate a kilo of ice cream at a self serve place.
The next day we got a flight to Montevideo, in Uruguay. A 40 minute cab ride took about 15 minutes thanks to the driver doing 140kph for some reason.
At the airport we were waiting to get a cab to the bus stop to get a bus to Punta Del Este, when Mark had the spot of the day, by seeing a bus pass by with a sign to the very town we were wanting to go! So before you knew it we were heading to Punta, which is like a mini Gold Coast. I am sad to have left Brazil. 6 weeks there in a country I fell in love with, and Im already having Brazil withdrawals. Its colder here. Like, about 15 degrees it feels like. Although its probably warmer, Im just used to 35 degrees every day. We are staying in 1949 Hostel. We got lost walking the 100m to the hostel from the bus stop. Mark is standing behind me telling me to blame the map. Ill be Switzerland .. neutral.
The hostel is cool. We have a twin room, but there are lots of fun travellers here, so I settled in for an evening of drinking and chatting, while Mark had an early night.
Mark and I are going well together. Sometimes he speaks in a language I cant understand. eg `hopefully there will be fresh fish at the hostel today' means 'hopefully some hot new chicks will check in today'. His favourite saying is 'shes not struggling'. This means the girl he is perving on is hot. And he has an unbelievable memory for movie and Seinfeld quotes. We have also developed a game where if we see someone who looks like someone famous, we say I didnt know Vladimir Putin was in Uruguay. The best one was the Jonathon Thurston lookalike here in the hostel.

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