Friday, November 27, 2009

The one where Lynne does the Tango

Buenos Aires .. what an awesome city. Except for the stupid horrible man who asked me if I was pregnant!!!!!!!!!!! So Ive obviously put on a little holiday belly during this trip. I was pretending I hadnt until the stupid shop attendant while finding me a jacket size pointed to the holiday belly and said 'oh youre pregnant'.
I didnt buy the jacket. My poor brother hasnt heard the end of my fury and depression. When will men learn that even when a woman's water has broken and she is clearly in labour, you never say 'oh youre pregnant'. Its so rude. I havent been asked that in years, since losing weight. Clearly its now back!!!! So my brother is having to put up with me looking in every window reflection at my stomach, saying 'it isnt that big' and now feeling guilty every time I eat a big meal. But seriously, who diets on holidays? Of course Im going to eat pizza, ice cream and pringles every day if I want to. And its hard to find lots of fresh fruit and vegetables in South America. Anyway, Ill move on.
We left Punta Del Este in Uruguay one day early. The weather was cold, so it was pointless hanging out at a beach hostel. Although we had to wait all day for our laundry to be returned. Ahhh laundry. So many funny stories about handing your laundry in. One time in Brazil I collected my laundry from the lavanderia, and the girl was saying something about a black t shirt and pointing to the underarms.
When I got back to the hotel I realised she had kept my favourite Billabong t shirt because it was so dirty it needed 2 washes! So I collected it the next day, although it only lasted another couple of weeks. Im sure you will all be glad you wont see that t shirt in any more photos because I threw it out in Rio.
We went to Montevideo for one night. Its a nice enough city, not a lot to see. Too many McDonalds signs and flags waving from poles for my liking. But the usual cobbled streets and outdoor cafes and rundown buildings to fill the city with character.
We then got a bus to Colonia and a ferry to Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires is great. Huge huge city, but you could walk all day and constantly see something interesting. We are staying in the centre, in a hotel we booked on my new favourite website Its so easy to use, and has some bargains on it. We got a really nice hotel for $35 per person a night, inc great breakfast. Although obviously Im now ignoring the pastries.
Our first afternoon was spent collecting our tickets to The Killers for tomorrow night. Mark googled them in Punta Del Este, and found out they were playing here. God I was so excited! My favourite band in a cool city!!!! But hes angry he will miss seeing ACDC by 2 days .. and there are still tickets on sale!
We walked around the pedestrianised shopping area, had coffee at Plaza Mayo. Then went to a tango show last night. Its a touristy thing to do, but sometimes they can still be really good fun, and it was.
We first had a tango class. My god, the Scrivens family are not dancers. We battled through learning 8 steps, Mark and I as partners, then had to dance in front of the class and messed it up!
I had steak and red wine for dinner ... yay!!! Finally tasting the amazing Argentinian reds and steak that everyone raves about. Then the tango show started, and it was really good. Man these people can move. And I had to get up 3 times to dance!!!! Far out, I was sitting in a spot that was easy for the guys to grab me. Mark and I both ended up on stage dancing for a bit, then a couple of times I danced in the aisles with the men. It was fun.

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