Saturday, November 7, 2009

The one where Lynne hits the halfway point

Can you believe Im half way through the 3 month trip? 6 1/2 weeks down. In some ways I feel like `god its only been 6 weeks, but Ive done so much!`and other ways I feel `oh my god there are only 6 weeks to go before I go home!`
I left Jeri reluctantly... but was running out of cash so the time had come to end my total-relaxation-and-splurge week. Jeri is so remote it doesnt have any ATMS, so you have to take whatever cash you need with you. Id already spent 3 days longer there than planned. After meeting a cute Brazilian guy on my second last night I considered extending it further, but thought Id better hit the road again. And I have a feeling he stood me up on the last night of my stay there anyway (no one makes definite plans in Jeri. So when you say Ill see you tonight .. that could be anytime between 9pm and 2am. Needless to say there was only so much time I could spend on my own waiting at a bar).
So I left Jeri yesterday, and it took 12 hours of a 4WD, bus, plane, taxi to get to my next destination of Praia Da Pipa, further down Brazils north east coast. It cost a lot to do it that way, but otherwise I would have risked arriving in a big city not far from here late at night on a bus, with no accommodation booked. As a solo female traveller there are some things its better to spend money on, and getting somewhere safely is one of them.
It was a crappy day. I was feeling down, and getting sick.
So now Im in Pipa with a sore throat. Have stocked up on lozenges after using mime to show the pharmacist what was hurting. I would be getting a lot more out of Brazil if I could speak Portugese. English isnt widely spoken at all, and sometimes its frustrating .. but completely my fault. Im already dreaming up ways to learn the language, and be back here for the Football World Cup and Olympics .. either working or as a tourist. Because regardless of how down this blog entry seems, I still do really love Brazil! The people are really friendly. Like the woman in Rio who said to me ´welcome to rio´as I walked along a footpath. They are very passionate people who love their country. Its a lot like Australia, in terms of scenery, food, costs, lifestyle.
Pipa is another nice beach town, not as chilled as Jeri though. Its set on a cliff, and you walk down steps to the beaches. I took a long walk on the beaches today, saw dolphins in one of the bays, and had ice cream for lunch and afternoon tea. Sore throat is my excuse....
I also had a 3 hour nap, so I guess Im not feeling well!
Ive downgraded my accommodation after a week of staying in a gorgeous pousada in Jeri. Now im paying a third of the price, but the room is still ok.

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