Sunday, November 29, 2009

The one where we moshed at The Killers

Man what an awesome awesome night. The Killers rocked.
Our first full day in Buenos was incredible. The most amazing weather. We walked around Recoleta, the posh part of town, and went and saw Eva Perons grave, purely because everyone seems to do it in this city. The cemetery was interesting, but we didnt hang around long.
Mark then suggested a beer in the sun. Buenos is full of al fresco cafes and bars and restaurants. Im in heaven. So we had a drink and some nachos in Recoleta, then decided to do a pub crawl around a few suburbs.
Next stop Las Canitas, then Palermo. Both neighbourhoods are so cool. You just cant go wrong in this city. Think differing versions of Balmain and Surry Hills. So we sat outside all afternoon drinking wine and beer while people watching. But no one goes out here till well after 9pm, and by then we had hit the wall so called it quits and went home.
The next morning ... not so fun. It was raining, and cold. We tried to do one of those daggy hop on hop off city bus tours, but it was a bit of a disaster. The bus up top had open windows, and we froze. The most interesting point was when protesters walked past us and were waving and yelling while we took photos of them.
So we abandoned it and I had a relaxing afternoon at the hotel while Mark met up with a girl from his Peru tour who is here. The 3 of us had dinner then Mark and I headed off to The Killers.
God it was one of the best concerts ever!!!! I know Paul Budrikis thinks theyre over rated .. but theyre my favourite band.
We were standing about 40 metres back, surrounded by 20,000 fans. By now the skies had cleared. They opened with Human and the crowd went crazy. Moshing .. thank god my brother is 6ft4 so he could look out for me and stand behind me! It was such a great night. They played all the hits. Brandon Flowers is such a charistmatic and energetic performer.
I cant remember the last time I moshed at an open air concert!
Today is the last day before we join the Intrepid tour of Patagonia. Im a little nervous about it. God Im just so unfit after 2 months of no exercise. I even slightly strained my calf muscle at the concert last night!

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