Monday, November 16, 2009

The one where Lynne finds a street party

I had a big day in Salvador. After rising early, I hit the cobbled streets of the Pelourhino. Its the old town where artists are on every corner, its filled with music and tourists and annoying men who give you unwanted attention. That tout who took me to the pousada seemed to be everywhere .. you want a beer? you want to go to the church?...
Salvador is a great place to shop. I suddenly found myself buying lovely earrings, paintings... money I dont really have, but 7 will hopefully have freelance shifts for me when I get back to pay for all of it!
I took a taxi to a suburb called Barra, its the beach part of town. Was bloody hot, and not quite what the Lonely Planet had talked up, but still a nice place to have an empanada and walk around.
Salvador reminded me of Havana. The skin is darkest there, music is everywhere, men are a bit annoying, you need to hold on tight to your belongings. Im glad I only had 2 nights there.
That evening I was having a drink at a basic bar, where the plastic chairs spill onto the cobbled street. I got talking to two local women, who I ended up realising were hairdressers and more interested in getting me to get hair extensions than talking about anything else.
I went to the theatre that night to see an hour long show of traditional Brazilian dance. My god it was unreal. So mesmerising, and the men ... wow .. think Olympic gymnasts, athletes all rolled into one. They were incredible to watch (and not just cause of their amazing bodies). The capoeira was awesome to see.
Id bought a plane ticket to Porto Seguro the next day. Enough with the 20 hour bus travel. It was expensive for an hour flight, but so worth it. Instead of arriving tired I arrived raring to go. I got a short ferry ride to Arraial DAdjuda. Its a small beach village with a 15 minute walk down to the beach, which is lined with restaurants. You could walk the entire north east coast of Brazil and just see nothing but beautiful palm tree lined beaches.
Im staying in a youth hostel. I usually avoid them, but this one is gorgeous. The double room is one of the best Ive had. And I met my first Australian in nearly 3 weeks!!!!
Can you believe I havent found any other Aussies in this part of the world??? It must be a record for travelling I reckon. Tim is from Melbourne. I was so excited to talk to another Australian, and so was he, thatwetalkedreallyfast because finally we could speak quickly and have someone understand our accent.
I had lunch at the beach and met a smooth talking Brazilian waiter called Fabio. Ah Brazilian men, theyre so forward its ridiculous. Poor Tim complains he has no chance with the Brazilian girls cause he isnt anywhere near as brazen (so I helped by playing wingman for him later that night).
Tim, a New Yorker called Dan, and I headed into Porto Seguro for a street party. Wow. These people know how to party. A huge free open air event. The main singer didnt come on till 4am! It was such a fun night. We were allowed into a VIP area above the thousands of people dancing in the street. When we got there they had a big band not really what we were expecting, but from then on it was a bit of everything South American.
We met a few local girls, and thats where I came in to help Tim. We all danced and watched the sun come up. God getting home was long and tortuous. Waiting for the ferry, getting a mini van back.
I slept in, then went for a long walk along the beaches.
I love Arraial DAdjuda. Its been one of those oh my god how good is travelling moments for me.

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