Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The one where Lynne realises she´s the only blonde

Yes, probably could have dyed my hair a shade darker or two before leaving. I seemed to be the only blonde in Santiago. Comments from the Customs guy: ´single. that´s good.´The drunk homeless man: ´where you from? California?¨and the dodgy tourist official who swindled me of a couple of bucks: ´blonde is not normal here.¨Thanks Einstein.

Oh, I´ve decided to name each post like an episode of Friends ... The One Where .... etc.

Santiago was a nice start to South America. Wealthy, safe. Although the beautiful view of the surrounding snow capped Andes I had when I flew in, disappeared on my day of sightseeing. I caught this funicular train thingy to the top of a mountain for the views, only to have them vanish on me completely within 5 minutes when the clouds came in and visibility dropped to about 10 metres.

But ´my lovely hostel´turned out to be Chile´s number one party destination I think. Im showing my age, but far out these people just wouldnt sleep!!!!! Between a chick and her guitar singing ´wild thing´at 3am and my jet lag, i didnt sleep much last night.
They were still partying when i had to get up at 5.30am to get the plane to Lima!!! No more hostels. Im too old, even if i get my own room.

So Im in Lima now. God the poverty compared to Santiago was quite a shock. Different ball game now in terms of pick pocketers etc. As Chevy Chase said in National Lampoons ´roll em up.´

But the hotel is lovely. Right in the centre of town, a guy opens the door to the foyer for you, the room has a tv etc. This is more like it!

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