Friday, September 25, 2009

The one where Lynne ate raw chicken

So a couple of days ago I finally got the courage to eat in a restaurant on my own, and pick something off the menu in Spanish. I ordered chicken kebabs and it came back beautifully presented with salad and chips. Im thinking ´happy days´when half way through my meal i realise the chicken isnt cooked properly.

So I stop eating and ask for the bill, all the while thinking im about to die from salmonella poisoning. The waitress could see the problem, and chef was giving my filthy stares, and i didnt have to pay for the chicken.
And I didnt get sick!

I joined a Geckos tour in Lima, but there was only two other people on it until we flew to Cusco today and were joined by another 6. So its not too big a group.

Im sharing a room with a Canadian 27 year old called April who is lovely.

Lima was nice. We went to this water fountain spectacular thing they do at night where the water lights up to music.

I also enjoyed my first pisco sour (the local drink) in the bar that came up with the idea to begin with! Its quite nice, if a little strong!

Lima is a bit unsafe, but we were in a lovely hotel right in the centre of town.

Flew to Cusco this morning, and im loving it. The altitude has me slightly light headed but not sick yet, touch wood. We are 3300 metres above sea level.

But the town has a great square to sit and people watch. And we are staying in the cutest hostal up the hill with great views.

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