Saturday, September 26, 2009

The one where Lynne raves about tour groups

I used to be a backpacker snob. You know, I looked down on tour groups with disdain, while spending half my day organising where to stay, eat, how to get there. Jane and I did Europe and Central America that way, we´ve driven across the US, and Ive travelled through Russia and China on my own. So I think Ive earned the right to go with tour groups.

Also, being a TV news producer I must have made 100 decisions every day. Is this story of interest to the viewers? Should it go higher in the rundown? How will I write the intro to get viewers interested? Should I get Geoff´s coffee for him before or after morning conference? Should I email Matt a photo of a hot guy off the internet, or is he too busy to perv?

But can I say being on a tour in Peru is awesome. I so love switching my brain off and being told what to do. Be ready to leave for the Sacred Valley at 9am. Meet here for dinner at 7pm.

And the group is pretty cool too. April, the 27 year old Canadian Im sharing a room with, is lovely. There are 7 others .. a few around my age, and 2 older couples. There´s one guy who is the Australian George Costanza. He wears tracksuit pants outside. As Jerry told George Its Like Youve Given Up.

Cusco is an amazing city. Love love love it. The Andes surround the city, its built on what used to be a lake. The town square is one of the prettiest ive ever seen. And the nearby towns of Pisac and Olyantatambo today were beautiful.

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