Saturday, December 19, 2009

The one where Lynne reflects

So two more sleeps then Im leaving this amazing continent on a jet plane to head back home. I cant believe the 3 months is up. Wow. A month ago I was freaking out at the idea of going back to Sydney, and facing reality. Travelling is the most self indulgent form of living. You do what you want, when you want (except when on a tour, then you just switch off the brain and be told what to do).
But now Im a little more prepared and excited to be coming home. Ch7 has freelance shifts for me in January, which will help boost the bank balance and give me time to find a permanent job.
Spending my last week in Buenos Aires has been good too. Plenty of time to get to know the city and relax, but also long enough that by the end of the week im thinking, ok, time for something new.
So here is a re-cap of my time here:
Highlights (in no particular order ... more chronological than anything)
Meeting Paul and Rena in Peru. Two awesome people who made me laugh 2 weeks straight.
Machu Picchu. Stunning.
Bolivian Salt Flats. Felt like I was on another planet.
The Pantanal wetlands in Brazil. Out of my comfort zone, but for my own good.
Snorkelling down a Bonito river. Crystal clear shallow waters.
Ilha Grande. Gorgeous island.
Jericoacoara. Remote Brazilian sandy street beach town. Favourite place.
Arrail DAjuda. Another excellent Brazilian beach town.
Rio with Mark. Great weather.
Buenos Aires. Awesome city to lose yourself walking around. And great nightlife and food.
Our Patagonia tour group.
Patagonia. Stunning scenery and great weather.

Lowlights, or things I cant wait to see the end of:
White bread. Its served every day for breakfast, no matter which country. Uggghhhhhh
Throwing toilet paper in the bin next to the toilet. Yucky. Someone remind me to stop doing this when I get home.
Buying water. Although I stopped doing that in Argentina, where the tap water is fine.
Actually thats about all I wont miss about South America.

The hardest part of travelling for me is saying goodbye to all the awesome people you meet along the way that you spend an hour, or a day or 2 weeks travelling with. But I guess its better to have met them than to have never met them at all.

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