Thursday, December 17, 2009

The one where Lynne fends off prostitutes

Thought that headline might get your attention ... more on the prostitutes of Buenos Aires in a minute. (god im still writing like it´s a tv news script!!!)
If the last blog was all about trekking and mountain scenery, this one is all about the Argentian nightlife. After Puerto Natales we got a bus to Punta Arenas, in very southern Chile. Its a crap town, as Mark said .. i dont have good vibes about this place. He was right. Its the kind of place you stop when you need to travel long distances. We stayed in a b and b called Dinkas House, run by a crazy Croatian woman who has photos of herself all over the walls.
There were two gems in the town though. The restaurant we had dinner in was lovely, with great ambience and service. Two common themes in Argentina. And we found a bar with a jukebox so spent the night playing daggy songs.
The next day was a full day to Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world. Its way below Tasmania and New Zealand. Its back in Argentina, so we had another border crossing.
We slept most of the 11 hour trip, because the tour had been pretty full on.
Ushuaia is a lovely town, and wasnt that cold. We were so blessed with the weather. We went on a boat on the Beagle Channel, seeing seals and birds.
It was Marks last night on the tour because he flew home a day early, so we went to an Irish pub (is there a town in the world without one???) then to a karoke bar. Only Martin the tour leader sang.
A little hungover the next day, and with minimal sleep, 6 of us went for our last hike, but it was an easy coastal 3 hour walk.
It was back to Buenos Aires the next morning. Our final night of the tour saw most of the group looking sick or tired. Only me and Amy from England and Martin showed any kind of stamina.
We went to a little bar in Palermo at midnight, and waited for 3 hours until anyone else turned up! Man they party late in this city. But when it got crowded it was really fun. Like being in an intimate house party.
I was sad to see the tour end. It was a great group. The next day I checked into the Milhouse hostel. Its a party hostel but I have my own gorgeous private room. One of the best Ive stayed in. And the rooms are away from the noisy bar area.
Its easy to meet people. I made friends with an Irish girl called Clare whod been living in Coogee. The hostel has a party on Monday night, where the common room eating area is transformed into a disco .. it reminded me of a Blue Light disco at one stage with everyone standing around the edges until the dancefloor got going.
We then headed to a club across the road, and when that closed at ridiculous oclock, 5 guys and I decided to see what else Buenos Aires had in store on a Tuesday morning. So we asked a cabbie and he dropped us off at a club. After I wrangled down the extortinate cover charge we went inside, and got our ´free drink´. But once we sat down we realised everyone else was either a dodgy old man, or a prostitute.
The prositutes swarmed on the new arrivals, and because I was the only one to speak any kind of Spanish, they targetted me, telling me how beautiful my friends were and could they have them for the day. I was keen to get the hell out of there, but I think the boys were enjoying the attention, because the women were quite attractive. The women even offered to find me a nice Argentinian guy .. who was probably the same one who followed one of the Aussies into the bathroom and offered him a lewd sex act.
We quickly left .. although only 3 of the 5 Australian guys returned home .. not sure where they went????

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