Thursday, October 29, 2009

The one where Lynne channelled Barry Manilow

At the Copa, Copacabana....where music and passion is always the fashion... Sorry if the song lyrics are wrong, but dont forget Im the girl who for years believed Midnight Oil sang `You asked for forgiveness` when they were actually singing `US Forces Get The Nod`....
Anyway, let me back track.
Paraty is a lovely old Portugese colonial town with cobbled streets and cute architecture. But the rain has been falling every day pretty much since we reached Brazil, and it meant we decided not to go cycling up to a waterfall, and just walked around town.
That night Mimi our leader sang at the Che Bar, named in honour of yes, Che Guevera. It was a fun night. I tried once again to learn samba, with little coordination.
The next day we headed by bus to Ilha Grande, an island an hour by boat off the coast. As soon as we arrived I was in a happy place. Finally, after weeks of roughing it we were in my territory ... beach and bars and sandy streets and a very cute pousada (hotel), where I stayed in a loft above where Michelle and Rody were sleeping.
I had a yummy meal of chicken with passionfruit sauce, then we hit a bar, where I locked eyes with a cute young Brazilian. We danced together at a discoteque, and because mum and dad read this, lets just say i kissed him goodnight after a lovely night dancing together.
We had 3 nights on the island, which was a great way to unwind after so many long travel days. I met up with young Christiano again the following night at the discoteque, after yet another scumptious meal on the beach. This time beef skewers.
Michelle, Rody, Mimi and I took a walk on the island. We had to cross a creek, and Rody went first. It was then my Haviana Rescue Operation took place. She lost one of her thongs, and we all know how important Havianas are to Sydney girls. So without thinking I dumped my handbag, and jumped in the creek to save the thong. But the rocks were really slippery and the water fast flowing, so i took a massive stack. Blood pouring down the knees, and I had cuts and scratches. Roger, the 58 year old NZ used car salesman in the group, accused them of being carpet burns, which i vehemently denied.
After saying goodbye to the island, and Christiano, we headed to Rio.
Unfortunately we had cloud, rain and mist. The tour in the afternoon included a trip up the mountain to see Christ the Redeemer. I saw his feet. His head was above the clouds, which i guess is where Christ should be.
I skipped the Sugar Loaf Mountain cable car, because it was covered in mist. Hopefully Mark and I will have better weather when we meet there in 3 weeks.
We had the yummiest churrasco meal that night though. All you can eat meat and salad. It was our final group night together.
Now I come to one of those humiliating experiences which most people wouldnt speak about, but what the hell.
I was sharing a hotel room with Rody (also from Sydney). She told me one of the guys was going to store his bag in our room that day. Ill call him Daniel...thats not his real name. I took a shower, then realised I didnt bring underwear or any clothes into the bathroom. I stick my head out the door, the coast is clear. So wearing only a t shirt (no underwear) i start to duck across the room. Then Daniel walks in. At that exact moment. Daniel is the only straight single guy on the tour. But its his first time travelling overseas, he is 29 going on 18, quite awkward and unconfident. Oh god the humiliation, anger and embarassment!!!!! He awkardly leaves the room while i scramble to pull down my t shirt and put shorts on.
The girls in the group had a big belly laugh when i told them though.

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